The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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ALFN Local Food Club:  Market Is Open!

Good morning foodies!

The online Market is open. As we move into the holiday gift season, don’t forget that ALFN has hundreds of treats and products from local vendors to conveniently shop online. From holiday cards to fudge, and bath products to tinctures, we have something that everyone on your gift list will enjoy!

Why do strong ties to local food create more resilient communities? Read up on the blog today to learn more about why food brings us all together.

Interested in supporting our organization? You can earn credit and membership for your account by signing up to volunteer with us this weekend.

Follow us on Facebook for more offers and events, or visit our website to learn more about our organization.

Independence,VA:  Pre-order your trees and wreaths by Monday night at 8pm!

Good morning!

By now, I’m sure you’re all ready to kick back and relax and get ready for the week. Be sure to place your Market order by tomorrow night at 8 pm. Remember, consuming fresh, local ingredients is one of the best choices you can make! I promise you won’t regret the increased energy and many more health benefits of eating nutrient dense foods! You can also support your local economy by buying directly from your friends and neighbors!

It’s not too late to save 20% by pre-ordering your pesticide-free Christmas trees and wreaths on the Online Market! This is a great opportunity to support farmers that are sustainably growing trees in our area AND the Independence Farmers Market! Trees and wreaths will be available to be picked up at the Holiday Market in Town Park THIS Saturday! Whether you choose to pre-order or just pick it out at the Market, THIS SATURDAY IS YOUR LAST CHANCE!

To Shop: Independence Farmers Market.

If you didn’t get a chance to come out to the Holiday Market this past Friday, you missed a GREAT day! Don’t worry, you get one last chance on Saturday, December 2nd, from 11am-3pm in Town Park to come out and shop! Our community is so talented! Seriously, you guys, from the copper plant tags, to the beautiful wool and crocheted items, to the fermentation kits, beautiful garlands, superior pottery, children’s books, aprons, fancy bird feeders, ornaments, jewelry, meats and MORE it’s a one stop Christmas shop! We’ll also have our Chili Contest, free to enter, $5 to taste. 1st prize is $100 sponsored by Chestnut Creek Counselling,$40 2nd prize sponsored by Jack and Jesse’s Melons and 3rd-10 prizes sponsored by the Mabe Family. Stay for the Parade( we’ll be in it) and the Town festivities! Visit with Santa in Town Park after the parade and more. A fun day for the whole family!

Thank you all for supporting the Independence Farmers Market!


Stones River Market:  Weblog Entry

Stones River Market

How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook:
On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.

Market News

Good morning everyone!

Another gorgeous Autumn day!

Time to order your weekly groceries from producers you know and trust!

We have greens, root crops, winter squashes!

Farrar Beef won’t have more 1 lb ground beef packages for about 2 weeks so has 2 pound beef AND the 1 pound packages of ground round and ground sirloin ON SALE! Stock up now!

Erdmann Farm is away this week.

Short Mountain Cultures is away this week.

Botanical Harmony Farm has LOTS of duck eggs and the are on sale this week as well. $6 per dozen or if you are new to duck eggs and want to try just a few… $3.50 for half dozen!

These make excellent devilled eggs, give such a wonderful lift to baked goods due to the protein content, and have a super-creamy yolk for fried eggs and so much more. Use as you would a chicken egg for a rich, egg experience!

Be on the lookout for sales, not just this shopping weekend but in the weeks ahead as well! Our growers/makers want to supply your holiday gift-giving needs!

See ya on the porch!!

Tracey & Ashleigh

See the complete list of products at

Spa City Local Farm Market Co-op:  Heads Up, Co-opers!

Hope everybody had a marvelous Thanksgiving holiday and survived in one piece.

Just wanted to remind you that this upcoming market will be the only one this month for Bluebird Hill Berry Farms, and also Eden’s Memory is giving us one last chance to sell their minimum before they end deliveries to Hot Springs for the winter.

So – stock up on those frozen items and fabulous breads and cinnamon rolls now, to make sure to have enough for your holidays! These products also make great gifts, as well as honey, jams, etc. We have candles and craft items for sale too, something for everybody on your list.

See you Friday,
Karen Holcomb
Market Manager

Dothan, Alabama:  Nov. 25, 2017 Market Newsletter

We are now open to accept orders.
Orders close Tuesday at 5pm

This Week’s Newsletter:
Mark Your Calendar!
Market Chitchat
Why No Eggs?
Grower Notes


It’s beginning to look a lot like . . . . well, you know.

We are so pleased to participate in the Annual Christmas Open House hosted by Dothan Nurseries every year. Hopefully you are on their mailing list or Facebook page and have your calendar marked for December 7, 2017 for this year’s Old Fashioned Christmas. The Festivities run from 3pm – 7pm.

From JD: Please join us for an old fashioned Christmas Open House. We’ll be serving up warm gingerbread and “adult” eggnog while you shop and enjoy our Christmas Carolers.

We’ll also have our full Farmers Market. All the vendors with fresh produce, honey, jams, jellies, meats, cheeses, and lots more. Don’t worry, we’ll have kid friendly snacks as well. So bring the whole family and don’t forget to invite your friends. Everyone is welcome.

As usual, we’ll be giving away prizes including some $100 gift cards.

VIP for Market Customers

  • Pickup takes place 2pm-3pm in our regular location.
  • No Daleville delivery this week (apologies!)
  • We will be set up in the open area next to the Butterfly House
  • LOTS of old and new Market Friends will be on hand – 15 so far!


What a delightful treat we had on our last pickup date when Carshenina Bain (Bain Home Gardens) joined Kathy (Kathy’s Cluckers) and Viki (Richter Farms) and Ros. If you’ve not met this dear lady yet we hope you get the opportunity. I’m sure it sometimes looks like chaos as we scurry together orders from coolers and refrigerators, but we actually have a lot of fun and love serving you!

As announced earlier this month, plans are in the works to have classes once a month starting in 2018. While there is a tentative list of topics we’re looking int,o what we really need to know is WHAT DO YOU WANT? So if there’s some aspect of healthy food preparation, preservation, medicinal, or even growing that interests you, please speak up as the whole purpose is to be a blessing to all involved.



So I know you guys having been reading all about chickens molting and hens on hiatus and you may be wondering what does all of that mean. More importantly, where are all the eggs?!?! Well we would like to help you out.

We have 24 hens. You would think that this means that we’re should be getting at least 2 dozen eggs per day right? Wrong! We actually never get that many in one day. The birds all lay at different times, days, and cycles. So needless to say, we are getting more layers for the Spring because we need more eggs. We had to buy eggs! My children are complaining because there are barely any eggs and my offline customers, like many of you are like what do you mean you have no eggs?!?!

So why? Let’s take Dottie for example. She is a Golden Laced Wyandotte. She used to be a beautiful chicken, but currently she is having a moment because she is going through a molt. Molting is when chickens shed their old feathers to grow new ones. This is a natural process that occurs in adult birds every year. It usually happens during late Summer or early Fall. During this time there are very little to no eggs. I can’t remember the last time Dottie was in the nesting box. Sadly, this process can last for months. Feathers are made of mostly protein, so we try to help the birds out by boosting up their protein in hopes that they can grow their beautiful feathers back quicker. They are already spoiled, but then I find myself buying specialty worms and treats high in protein. I liken it to having someone take care of you when you’re not feeling good. We all appreciate and need that! Speaking of protein, did you guys know that pumpkins are a wonderful source of proteins for chickens?!?! So if anyone wants to donate their used pumpkins instead of throwing them away…..we will take them!

Next time I will talk with you guys about how the sun and shorter days affect their laying cycle. So stay tuned.


We have the best Growers in the Wiregrass! Please learn more about them on our Grower Page.

AVALON FARMS: We are back from vacation. It is always great to get away, but it’s even better coming back home! The farm seems to have survived without us. LOL

New this week:

  • Satsuma oranges.  These are grown by my Dad. No sprays. I have to walk all the way across the pasture to get these. Hope you appreciate it. ?

  • Sugar snap peas are back! These bright green jewels brightened up our Thanksgiving plates.

  • Broccoli….cheese sauce with Working Cows cheese goes great.

  • Baby Goat….ok, she’s not for sale. She was kind enough to arrive a few days before we left. Awesome timing.

BAIN HOME GARDENS: Hello Market Friends,
We missed you guys last week! We did take advantage of the off time to cultivate the ground for new planting as well as beginning the process of filling our raised beds. I read somewhere that in order to have continual harvests, one should be planting SOMETHING in the ground every 2 – 3 weeks.  Well it is a worthwhile goal and although we aren’t there yet, it is a work in progress.

Left: New Raised Beds. Right: Sir Francis of the Basford Family

We want to give a nice shout out of appreciation to Vicki of Richter Farms, Kathy of Kathy’s Churpers and of course Ros of Horton’s Farms. Thanks for teaching us the ropes of handling the pick-up on Friday mornings. It was a lot of fun getting to know other growers and the market customers! Thanks also to Dothan Nurseries for giving our junior gardeners,b Jarod & Thai some needed work experience while we were there. We had a special visitor that week that stole my heart, Mr. Francis of the Basford family. Please bring him back to visit us again!

If you haven’t had the pleasure of trying the smoked bacon and ground sausage of Richter Farms you are missing out! Mr. Bain Home Gardener has cooked them both of on Saturday mornings paired with eggs from Hawkins Homestead Farms & the reviews were great! We feel even better knowing the great care that these growers put into caring for their animals.  We will be permanent customers!  

Till next week, from our family to yours!

HORTONS FARM: We hope all of you had a blessed Thanksgiving. We had a different kind of Holiday here. With all the work (translated: MESS) going on we hauled food, fixins and guests down into the woods where we picnicked in the woods. It was so wonderful we’ll probably do it every year the weather cooperates.

MarketWise, we still have a good supply of yummy 2017 HONEY and are in the process of dressing up smaller sizes for affordable gifts and stocking stuffers. Don’t forget that lip balms and Fire Ant First Aid make welcome and appreciated “stuffers” as well.


We would love to hear from you! If you have a favorite recipe, want to write a product review, have an idea or request for an article or information, let us know! You can reply to this newsletter or write

Market Schedule
Order Saturday 5pm to Tuesday 5pm weekly for Pickup the following Friday
Dothan Pickup: Dothan Nurseries, 1300 Montgomery Highway, Dothan, AL 36303
Daleville Pickup: Daleville Chamber of Commerce Office

Our Website:
Our Email:

On Facebook:
Be sure to use our hashtag! #marketatdothan

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!


When you support local family farms, you help make every Saturday a celebration of small businesses! Bonus: you get the freshest, most seasonal ingredients that money can buy.

Happy Shopping!

Duette, FL:  A few new vegetables this week,

Dear Customers,
We have some new vegetables this week. Our Bibb lettuce is ready and the Curly endive along with red and gold beets, too. Please have a look at what we have to offer and place your orders.

Thank you
David and Betty
Duette Locally Grown Market

Siloam Springs, AR:  Online Market is Open!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanskgiving with family and friends. R Family Farm has updated their meat inventory so be sure to check out what is available. Arkansabi Farms continues to have a nice selection of produce for the season. There is also honey and coffee available as well as some items that would make nice gifts or stocking stuffers.

Have a great week and see you Saturday!

The Wednesday Market:  Today is Small Business Saturday - Buy From The Wednesday Market!

Good morning. The Wednesday Market is open for orders.

Please place your order by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up between 3 and 6 p.m. Wednesday. See the website for this week’s product listings. Here is the link:

Today is Small Business Saturday. What does it mean and why is it a big deal? To answer these questions, I turned to the website Following is an excerpt of the information contained there.

“Small businesses often are overlooked by customers who are enticed by larger companies, and this can adversely affect the local economy in more negative ways than might appear on the surface level. The rise of shopping malls and large chain stores such as Walmart and other retailers has caused irreversible damage to Main Street in the last half-century or so, and it’s paramount to remember the importance of supporting local small businesses.

“Why should we not celebrate the spirit of enterprise and entrepreneurship, as exemplified by small business owners who take the risk of following their dreams? After all, it’s a common thing for politicians to talk about supporting Main Street over big business, and how small business owners often face greater hardships than larger companies. Since Small Business Saturday is held on the Saturday following Thanksgiving Day, it falls right during the peak shopping periods of the year.

“The 1960s saw the rise of the American shopping mall, and the decades since have seen large chain retailers further cementing their position in terms of taking over the retail sphere and displacing smaller, family-run businesses. This model has spread further throughout the world, and chain retailers have been usurping small businesses’ market share worldwide in the last few decades. The difference is most stark in countries like the US, where small businesses have often been obliterated within a year or two of some large chain retailer coming to town and opening up shop.

“Small Business Saturday is a relatively recent phenomenon – the first one was in Roslindale Village, Massachusetts in 2010 as a counterpart to Black Friday (which features big box retailers, and its anti-consumerist counterpart, Buy Nothing Day targets big business). Small Business Saturday was originally sponsored by American Express and the non-profit National Trust for Historic Preservation. From the very start, the day has been promoted through advertising on both social media and more traditional means such as television and radio advertisement.

“You may be wondering how to celebrate Small Business Saturday since it is possible that you might have been led to believe that small businesses are a thing of the past. That, however, is not true, and you can dispel such ignorance by observing Small Business Saturday. As a consumer, you can choose to spend your money at local small businesses on this day rather than going to the big box retailers at the local mall. After all, the best way to support small businesses is to go and spend money at them rather than somewhere else. You can also tell your friends to do the same, perhaps making a point of organizing a shopping day where you only visit small, local enterprises instead of chain stores. While you may or may not end up paying more, it’s important to remember that spending your money at a small business generally puts more money into the local economy than if you’re spending that money in a chain store."

So support your local economy, and go out and buy things from a small business today.

Have a great weekend, and we’ll see you at the Market!



Patchwork Online Market:  Patchwork Urban Farms Winter Market Open

The market is now open! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.