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Middle Tennessee Locally Grown:  Time to Order Fresh Local Farm Products!

Manchester Locally Grown market

We always have a few new farmers, waiting their turn to join our market and offer their wonderful products to all our customers. In order to add more farmers, we feel it would be best to grow our customer base a bit. We want to be able to offer you and your friends some new local farm products.

The farmers and market managers would really appreciate your efforts to help spread the word about our fantastic market. What a great local resource for fresh, local farm products. Please pick up a few business cards to hand out to your friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Advertising is very expensive, and we want to use our slim market funds in a responsible manner.

To Contact Us

Our Website:
On Facebook: Manchester Locally Grown Online Farmers’ Market
By e-mail:
By phone: (931) 273-9708

Our pickup location is across the street from the Manchester City Schools administration building:

Good morning!

If it’s been a while since you read all the whole list of items available on this market, you really should read down through it. I think you will be pleased at both the variety and the quality of local farm products. We want you to be able to find the “cream of the crop” from local farmers, the best products picked and made with pride especially for YOU! Thank you for supporting your local farmers and small businessmen and women.

The market will remain open for your orders till Tuesday at 10 pm.

Please be sure to read the section of the page entitled “Important Ordering and Pickup Information.”

Farm News of the Week

Molly at Kountry Vittles writes:

I’m excited to announce that I have added several customized cakes to the market this week. Now you can order custom made cakes for most any occasion you may have. I have added everything from 6 inch rounds to a 2 tier cake all customizable to your needs. The 6 inch is one of my favorites. I call it my personal cake fix cake, because it’s big enough to handle the craving without a lot of left overs. All cakes are iced with my buttercream icing and decorated in your choice of colors and theme. One week advance ordering is necessary to make it perfect for your event; more time is preferred. Please tell me your requested delivery date in the farmer message.

I want to say thank you, from all of us at the market. We appreciate you.

(L to R, upper row): 10" 2 Layer, 1/2 Sheet.
(L to R, middle row): 2 tier, 6" 2 Layer.
(L to R, bottom row): 1/4 Sheet, 8" 2 Layer.

Cheryl’s Neighborhood Garden has a good-sized herb garden, and hopes to have bagged, dried herbs, as well as some herbal remedies, for sale later this year. She uses various yard mulches and no chemicals. For now, she’s listed some of her needlework: an apron and two toddler bibs.

From Lois at Casey Farms:

We are able to list some milk this week. I hope things will get back to normal. Thank you for your patience.

Just a few notes from Natasha Brooks of Triple B Farms/Crusader Coffee/Pickleweed Sweet Treats.

Triple B Farms is back on the market with our coffee and handmade items.

Pickleweed Sweet Treats is still on break from the market. Grace, who makes the delicious sweets, is however back to making custom cakes and desserts, specializing in gluten free, dairy free and sugar free. You can find her on Facebook under Pickleweed Sweet Treats. She would like to thank everyone that has bought her treats and to let you all know she may be back on the market later in the year.

Crusader Coffee is roasted in Coffee County on Coffee Street! Crusader Coffee is roasted specifically for Templar Shooting Sports in Tullahoma on 1101 S. Jackson Street. We have three blends specially roasted for the quality, flavor, and freshness all coffee lovers want. We also have K-cups that come with an adapter for your Keurig. If you have purchased K-cups from us and they are not working in your coffee maker, send me an email and I can bring you an adapter. 10% of all profit from Crusader Coffee goes directly to A Soldiers Child foundation, founded and located in Smyrna, TN. They are a local charity whose mission is to celebrate the life of children who have lost a parent while on active duty. Each child sponsored receives a birthday celebration worthy of the honor and sacrifice their family has made for our nation.

When you purchase any blend of Crusader Coffee, not only are you getting locally roasted, fresh coffee, you’re supporting your local economy and a cause worthy of all Americans.

(L to R) Crusader Coffee, Rag Quilt Baby Size, Child’s Beanie.

Daniel at Triple T Cattle Farms has sent this note:

We at Triple T Cattle Farms are going to run a special this week of $4.20 per pound for ground beef and $4.20 per pound for shoulder roast.

Important Ordering and Pickup Information

Ordering will be open until TUESDAY at 10 p.m., and your order will be available for pickup on THURSDAY between 4:00 and 5:30 at our NEW LOCATION across from Manchester City Schools administration building, 215 East Fort Street, Manchester.

We can also deliver your order to your home (or other location) on Friday afternoons, for a small fee, if it’s more convenient for you. If you prefer to utilize this service, please place an order for it, same as other products, selecting your delivery area. Don’t forget to give us your location address in the comments section of the order. Also please text Linda at (931) 273-9708 for specific arrangements.

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible. Please encourage our local farmers by helping to spread the word about our wonderful market to everyone you know. We offer a great variety of local farm products, and our items will be in your hands in time to plan for the weekend. Wonderful local products are available for ordering from the comfort of your own computer.

More new farmers are considering joining our market, if they can expect enough sales to help pay their transportation costs. Please help us grow the market by sharing this e-mail with your friends and inviting them to give us a try. And if you haven’t ordered from Manchester Locally Grown for a while, please check out our wide variety of offerings this week. Also please let us know if we can improve our selection or scheduling in any way to better suit your needs.

Linda & Michael

Here is the complete list for this week.

Dothan, Alabama:  January 27, 2018 Market Newsletter

We are now open to accept orders.
Orders close Tuesday at 5pm

This Week’s Newsletter:
Groundhog Day
In Season
Market Chit Chat
Grower Notes


Groundhog Day is less than a week away – meaning a certain groundhog’s name is on everybody’s lips. But how much do you really know about Punxsutawney Phil, the great weather predictor? Here’s are 10 “facts” to add to your groundhog trivia.

1. Phil’s full name is a mouthful. The groundhog’s name is Punxsutawney Phil, Seer of Seers, Sage of Sages, Prognosticator of Prognosticators and Weather Prophet Extraordinary.

2. Phil is fat. Punxsutawney Phil weighs about 20 pounds and is 22 inches long, while the average groundhog weighs 12-15 pounds and is 20 inches long.

3. Phil is one old groundhog. Phil is 127 years old, supposedly. The average groundhog lives to be between 6-8 years, but Phil takes a magical elixir every summer to extend his lifespan. The elixir also changes his appearance (much like the Doctor in “Doctor Who”), which explains why Phil may be grey one year and a youthful brown the next. Alas, the elixir does not work on humans. “We’ve tried, it just makes them fat and bald,” said Ron Ploucha, Stump Warden of the Inner Circle of the Groundhog Club and co-handler of Phil. “If you saw some of our Inner Circle members you can tell the ones that tried.”

4. Phil has a wife. Well, make that Phil has had many wives. While Phil has an extended lifespan, his wives do not partake in the elixir so they pass away like normal groundhogs do. Phil always finds love again, though. “He’s probably had more wives than Hugh Hefner.” Ploucha said. Phil’s current wife is called Phyllis – of course.

5. Phil does not have kids. While there is nothing wrong with Phil reproductively (we asked), Phil has no children – he and his wife decided they are really too busy to raise a family. But that doesn’t mean he does not love kids. “He considers everybody his kids, being 127 years old,” Ploucha said.

6. Phil was not in “Groundhog Day.” Phil had a full schedule and was not able to partake in the filming of the movie. In the Bill Murray movie he is played by a groundhog named Scooter – who bit the actor three times during filming. Phil was Murray’s first choice for the role. “He’s treated like royalty and is very well-behaved. A true professional,” the actor told The Philadelphia Inquirer in 1993. “So when they couldn’t get him – a creature who has been hand-raised since birth and is very tame – what did they do? They went out into the woods and caught this Scooter, a groundhog who hated my guts from day one.”

7. Phil loves granola bars. Oat and honey granola bars are Phil’s favorite food, according to Ploucha – in particular Nature Valley ones.

8. Phil has his own car. It’s called the Philmobile and it’s little bus that houses members of the Inner Circle. Phil has a special seat on the outside, so he can be seen on parades.

9. Phil plays dead, occasionally. Oftentimes during summer parades, crowds will panic as the Philmobile draws through. That’s because they will see Phil lying flat on his back, legs in the air looking dead. But he isn’t, this is just how groundhogs cool off, according to Ploucha. One tap on the glass and Phil turns himself the right way round again.

10. Phil doesn’t cause the weather. He just predicts it. “Some people get upset when he calls for six more weeks of winter,” Ploucha said. "But it’s not his fault that he sees that coming.


If you missed it our Market Discussion Pageref had a lot of talk about Bone Broth last week. With it’s many benefits and this being the middle of one of the worst cold/flu seasons on record it is indeed a timely topic. We hope you’ll take advantage of the high quality bones Market At Dothan offers through our various meat vendors.

Here is some additional information that should be useful:

Factor #1 That Makes Great Bone Broth: Animal’s Upbringing When deciding how to fuel my body, I always ask where my fuel came from and how it came to be. Chances are, if you are here reading this then you and I have something in common. It’s no secret that what the animal eats, we eat. This doesn’t just apply to meat. Bones contain marrow, and marrow in turn pretty much contains the essence of our being.

If we’re healthy, that’s great but if we’re sick, our marrow is sick. The same goes for animals. The whole idea is that we’re extracting all this healthy good stuff from the animal and using it as both a food and a medicine for our bodies. Believe it or not, this all matters on a molecular level, where everything that makes you you is working hard to maintain your optimal health as efficiently as possible. If the animal was factory farmed, ate garbage and didn’t see a pasture a day in its life, you won’t be doing your body any favors in the long run by using its bones.
Pardon my soapbox, but supporting the ranchers and farmers that raise pastured animals and grow organic produce is the only way we’ll ever see a change in our current food system. You want better access to healthy and sustainably raised meats and fresh produce? Then find and support a farm. I’ve seen numerous farms and ranches here in Southern California grow rapidly under the support of enthusiastic communities looking towards a better future in food.

Factor #2 That Makes Great Bone Broth: Animal’s Age That’s right. Animals are no different from us in that their bones and joints wear down and degrade over time, reducing the amount of connective tissue and consequently reducing the amount of gelatin that will end up in your broth.

The younger the animal, the more gelatinous your broth will be. Veal bones, joints, feet and necks would yield the most gelatin, as these animals are butchered very young. You can usually find veal bones at a local butcher for a decent price. Stocks made from veal are a chef’s secret weapon in the kitchen, taking everything from soups and sauces to risottos and braised meats to the next level.

Factor #3 That Makes Great Bone Broth: Bone Type This is where most people run into trouble. In my experience the most commercially available bones are usually beef or veal femurs. Femurs are great as they contain a ton of marrow but very little collagen. You want a good mix of bones, joints and feet. I suggest using a 1:1:1 ratio of bones, joints and feet. This will almost guarantee you achieve that victorious gel.

Just remember to always use joints and feet, this is where you will find the most collagen. If you can’t find all of these, go ahead and make your broth with whatever you can get your hands on, you’ll still benefit greatly from the added vitamins and nutrients.

Factor #4 That Makes Great Bone Broth: Bone to Water Ratio Whether it’s in a crockpot or on your stove, add water just to cover the bones, and no more. This is where a lot of folks think they’ve messed up. You’ve spent all those hours simmering away, finally cooling and refrigerating your liquid gold only to wake up in the morning to find no jiggle. You haven’t been defeated! Simply bring your broth back up to a gentle simmer and let evaporation take over. Reduce your broth by an inch or so, cool and refrigerate. If it’s still not jiggling, repeat the process.

A combination of things could have happened here – too much water, bones from sick animals, or you simply didn’t let it simmer long enough. In most cases, the gelatin simply isn’t concentrated enough to give your broth a Jello-like consistency. This is OKAY. Your broth is still loaded with plenty of good stuff.

Try not to get so caught up on the aesthetics. I see people everyday crying out for help because their broth didn’t gel, as if the broth gods are smiting their attempt at glory.

Factor #5 That Makes Great Bone Broth: Time The beautiful thing about making broth is that once started, it requires very little attention.
The biggest issue here is not letting your broth simmer long enough. We simmer our beef broth for 48 hours and 24 hours for our chicken. Simmering for multiple days is a great way to really get everything out of the bones.
Something we do, and that I highly suggest, is to wait until you have 6-8 hours left to add your vegetables or leafy greens, such as parsley or leaves on your celery. This will prevent any bitter or burnt tastes from being imparted into your broth. The vegetables can only be cooked for so long before they begin to break down, giving your broth and undesirable and often burnt flavor.

It only takes 8 or so hours at a simmer to extract the nutrients and flavor from them, anyway. Anything much longer than this and the vegetables become sponges, soaking up all your hard-earned nutrients.

In my opinion, those are the most important things to keep in mind when making bone broth. As with most things, the more you make it the better you will get. And the better you will get at noticing all these little idiosyncrasies during the process, like waiting to add your veggies until later in the process. It took me several burnt, bitter and off-flavored batches before I finally started figuring out at what times to add what ingredients.

Adapted from


Don’t forget to mark your calendar for February 17! Viki Richter will be teaching about making your own seasoning and spice blends. Viki has YEARS of experience making CLEAN HEALTHY mixes of all sorts that don’t contain chemical additives and MSG found in most commercially available spice blends. For people wanting to transition to a healthier diet, this is an easy and effective way to get started. Class will be held in the Greenhouse at Dothan Nurseries.


We have the best Growers in the Wiregrass! Please learn more about them on our Grower Page.


The chickens are working hard at cultivating Garden 1. They have shredded the cover crop and dug up every weed. I’m hoping they are leaving enough nitrogen rich droppings to supply that garden’s needs. Keeps them happy and less work for me. Win-win.

This week has been the adventure of onion plants being lost in the snow storm in Texas, which delayed their arrival here, delaying me sticking them in the ground. But I did get started on them! I plant onions in a 6 inch grid, with 6 plants to the row. That makes 200 rows per 100 foot bed,  1200 onions per bed. One bed down and my knees need a break. :)

Did you know onions are “Day Length” sensitive? This means their ability to bulb is impacted by the number of hours of daylight they have. Onions are divided into long-day, intermediate-day and short-day. Day length is determined by the latitude of the region. Dothan’s latitude is 32.22, putting us in the short-day range (short-day is latitudes 25-35). Short-day onions will begin the bulbing process when day length reaches 10-12 hours.

I realize this is science, but I swear our summer days are looooo-ng. Especially when there’s work to be done. Just seems crazy that our summer days are “short”.

BAIN HOME GARDENS: Hello Market Friends!
   Today we thought we would talk about something that has been on our minds & that is seed storage.  You see, since we have expanded the garden and have plans to do so even more, we have been collecting & saving seeds. Some of these have been saved from our own garden others have been purchased from resectable sources. So here comes the issue, WHERE DO YOU PUT THEM?!
    Over the course of nine months, our seed storage system has already changed several times but we think we have finally settled on a system that works for our family.

It was very inexpensive being that it was designed from recycled items just hanging around the house! For a video of how it was made and tips on seed storage check out our Facebook page!
    We shared Mache Corn Salad this week for the first time on the market this week Exciting! There are a few more offerings that will be up for grabs this week… from our family to yours!

HAWKINS HOMESTEAD FARM: Chicken, chicken, chicken! Chicken is here! Finally right? We know! We posted a few last week that hubby said we’re ready to go and they went quick. So be sure to grab yours! Thank you to everyone who ordered. If you have questions on how our birds are fed, raised, or housed, check out our Facebook page:

We have a great article pinned at the top for everyone to check out.

If you’re not on Facebook, you can still see everything you ever wanted to know about our urban farm on our website:

It’s completely brand new and we’re so thankful and happy that it actually works seeing that I had no idea how to create a website. Needless to say there was a lot of research and contacts to tech support (they might be tired of me). It’s not fancy or anything, but it’s ours and if you’d like you can follow our blog on there too.

Did you know that The Market at Dothan has a Group Discussion Page?ref Well now you do. Be sure to join, if you haven’t. It’s a great way for all of us to stay up to date and connected to each other.

HORTONS FARM: We have been overwhelmed with the response to our Elderberry Syrup Kits. There is a history to them that I’ve shared with a few people. Some years ago I was asked by our Market Manager to make Elderberry Syrup for our customers. It looked easy enough to make but because of cottage food laws I declined because it required refrigeration. WHERE WAS MY BRAIN??? Kits take some time and some measuring to do well, (and some of you know about complete instructions too!), but it never occurred to me that it would be simple for anyone else to make as well. And now here we are.

I just ordered another 5 lb of organic elderberries as the many kits we took to Dothan yesterday are GONE. Our own Kelly H of St. Andrews Soap Company took the ones left over from yesterday’s table sales to her shop (Kitty Couture if you’re not familiar with them) and messaged me a little bit ago that they’re out and need more.

So once again I’m sitting on pins and needles hoping my order gets here in time!

MAYIM FARMS: We’re back!
After a wonderful trip to the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group Conference in Chattanooga we are back and starting many seedlings.
We are also announcing our next mushroom growing workshop on February 24 at 10am.
If you missed the last one or if you want to come to another, we will be demonstrating some in unique ways of cultivating mushrooms easily in your home and on logs outside. Get the details on our FB page or on
Due to the extreme cold fresh Moringa will not be available but we have plenty of dried, powdered and capsules of powdered and crushed seeds.
If you are having trouble with congestion check out and sign up for Carole’s blog, she has just published a DIY congestion formula you can make in the kitchen.
Also we are listing our new Sweet Gum Tincture in this flu season. Compare to Tamiflu, has the same constituent and it’s all natural.


We would love to hear from you! If you have a favorite recipe, want to write a product review, have an idea or request for an article or information, let us know! You can reply to this newsletter or write

Market Schedule
Order Saturday 5pm to Tuesday 5pm weekly for Pickup the following Friday
Dothan Pickup: Dothan Nurseries, 1300 Montgomery Highway, Dothan, AL 36303
Daleville Pickup: Daleville Chamber of Commerce Office

Our Website:
Our Email:

On Facebook:
Join our Online Discussions!
Be sure to use our hashtag! #marketatdothan

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

Siloam Springs, AR:  Weblog Entry

Apologies for forgetting to open the market this morning. I recall my reminder alarm going off, but must have gotten distracted. My only excuse is Monday is my day off.

There are 2 types of lettuce available from Opossum Hollow Produce again this week.

Thank you for supporting our local farmers, bakers, and makers year round.

See you Saturday!

Northeast Georgia Locally Grown:  MARKET IS OPEN FOR ORDERS!

Good Evening Locavores, Northeast Georgia Locally Grown is open for orders!

If you haven’t already, please let us know how we are doing before you order this week. Your feedback is passed along to farmers and everyone involved so we can continue to make this a thriving local marketplace. Go to the survey.
Go to the market now >>
Fresh Vegetables
Baked Goods with Organic ingredients
Gluten-free products
Pastured Eggs
Clean Meat
See all products

PICKUP TIME is Wednesday from 5-6:30pm!

Thank you for choosing Northeast Georgia Locally Grown as a way to support your local producers. This online farmers market allows you to buy directly from multiple farms committed to chemical-free and local produce all year long! CHEMICAL-FREE means produce and pastures grown without synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, or insecticides. LOCAL means within 80 miles from the market pickup locations (usually much much closer). Do you know someone who grows chemical-free food in the area? Get them in touch with us. Know someone who wants fresh food? Spread the word. Put the two together, and that’s growing organically!

Statesboro Market2Go:  The Market is open!

Be sure to place your order this week. Thank you for supporting your local farmers and community.

Miami County Locally Grown:  Our Latest Featured Vendor?

King’s Poultry Farm!!

When my family first discovered the tender, flavorful chicken that had come from King’s Poultry Farm in Bradford, I had no idea at the time just how unique was the product we were savoring.

The King Family, with parents William and Marilyn as well as the two youngest sons, Levi (30) and Reuben (26), raise chickens year-round, along with pastured turkeys for Thanksgiving, strictly feeding Non-GMO grain. Interesting enough – but more importantly, they also own and operate King and Sons Poultry Service Inc, one of only TWO federally inspected custom chicken processors in the state of Ohio!

Not only do they raise the birds on their farm which they sell in a wide variety of cuts, but they also process the birds themselves and create the recipes for their seasoned brats and sausages… an unparalleled local story of one family’s hard work, perseverance, and determination in a difficult but oh so important industry.

What better way to control the quality of your product than to manage its care all the way from the raising to the final frozen package. I was blown aware by the shear uniqueness of their operation – only one other family in Ohio can say they raise and process their own flock in their own federally inspected plant. In addition, they process 1,900 other poultry flocks each year, from local farmers to folks in Indiana, North Carolina, West Virginia and Pennsylvania… a total of over 150,000 chickens and 12,000 turkeys in 2017! To think they operate in our own backyard is astounding!!

How did they get their start? Parents William and Marilyn King had been raising and butchering their own chickens since 1983. By 1994, they were looking for a business the family could operate together that would keep their five young sons occupied and fulfilled, so established King’s Poultry Farm. From the original modest 20×30’ building to a more than 7000 sq ft facility where today, ten chickens are processed in one minute, the King’s business has continued to grow and thrive – even amidst such horrific losses as the barn fire in 2015 when they lost 4000 birds in a 10,000sq ft barn. Did I mention perseverance?

Very in tune with customer demands, they made the switch to exclusively feeding Non-GMO grain in 2015. When a customer suggested a brat made with apple, the resulting Chicken Apple Bratwurst quickly became a favorite that you simply must experience. And an additional niche is their plant becoming Certified Organic in 2001, enabling farmers who raise organic poultry to have their birds processed according to the National Organic Program.

Many of the small family producers in our area soon become well acquainted with both the state and federal requirements they must adhere to when they raise, package, market, and sell food in Ohio. Simply wading through the regulations can be daunting when you’re starting or scaling up. Learning more, however, about the intricacies of the King’s operation gave me both a deeper respect for them personally and a greater appreciation for their business sense and products. A 13 month wait to have a new label approved? Perfect knowledge (earned by research and experience) of what it takes to legally make a claim such as Non-GMO? The list goes on and on, as my appreciation of what it takes to run the King’s operation grows dramatically. :-)

It has been a pleasure to meet this family, and I’m grateful for everything I’ve learned. When I initially visited William, Levi and Reuben at their plant, I was surprised by the scale and efficiency of their operation, as I toured with the most gracious hosts to be found. Savvy businessmen, and one of the most popular vendors on the Virtual Market, Miami County Locally Grown, Levi in particular has continued to answer my questions logically and thoughtfully – readily sharing exact numbers off the cuff, and strategizing with an analytical mind for the greater good of both his own business and the Virtual Market as a whole.

Levi, lovely wife Jacqueline and adorable 5 month old Matthew (their youngest of four children), surprised customers who came to pick up their Virtual Market products on Tuesday with samples of Tomato Basil Chicken Patties, and Sweet Italian Chicken Sausages. The tempting aroma and savory samples were delicious crowd pleasers – and the good news for customers is the King family will be back with their popular products (and samples!) for the Winter Farmer’s Market on Tue Feb 13th!!

Even more exciting news to share – the King’s intention to host a Tour of their processing plant this Spring!

The idea of a successful, family-owned and operated local business may seem idealistic and charming, but in the case of King’s Poultry Farm, that idea is both very real and utterly inspiring.!


On this beautiful winter week we are gearing up to participate in the TEDX Augusta event on Sat Feb 3. Our goal: to celebrate local foods and farmers among Augusta’s movers, shakers, makers and thinkers. We’re gonna need four more enthusiastic adult volunteers to help us promote, promote, promote that morning from 8am-1p. Text Kim if you can help at 706-288-7895.


Champaign, OH:  And, Just Like That...

We are back!! Live, and ready to take your weekly orders!!

And, may I just take a minute to thank you all, so much, for really helping to make this market reach new levels of total intensity?

So far, in this new year, the customers have come out for our weekly local fun!! We have new customers, we have returning customers, we have the customers who shop from us, weekly.

You should all give yourselves some much needed love because we love the love that you show us, constantly!!

OK…here we go, again…another week, another chance to show us how local you can go!!

Cosmic Pam

The Cumming Harvest - Closed:  Market Closes Soon

Just a friendly reminder that the market orders are due today by 8 pm.

Thank you for placing your order and supporting local farms and businesses!
See you on Saturday!

Click Here To Order

Suwanee Whole Life Co-op:  Market is OPEN for orders!

The market is now open for ordering!

Click link to order:

Link to current newsletter:

If you do NOT receive a confirmation email immediately after you placed your order, then your items are still in your cart and your order is not complete. *All orders must be placed by 6pm on Sunday.

Pick up is on ***WEDNESDAY*** at 1300 Peachtree Industrial Blvd. Suite 1104, Suwanee at Cultured Traditions from 1 pm to 6:30 pm.

We take checks, cash, DWOLLA, PayPal, and credit card. To pay by credit card click “Pay Now” button at the bottom of the check out page. I don’t run credit cards until after pick up on Wednesdays.